Monday, February 18, 2008

US Presidential Race

2008 is shaping up to be a historic year for the US Presidency with a woman and an African American man both with legitimate aspirations for the November election. Regardless of the outcome, there has been a momentous resurgence of interest in US politics for many discouraged voters. Our interest for this post, however, is the wider impact of the US Presidency for the world. We are asking for your thoughts and perspectives about the impacts, implications, and possible consequences that stem from the US Presidential race. What are your thoughts as you view this Presidential race from your perspective, location, etc.?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Friends, today will be one of the most important days in USA history since it was founded in 1789. Today will decide not only the Democratic nominee, but the Jan 2009 President. 4 states vote today, March 4th. Obama has the most pledged delegates & superdelegates, the most voters, 25 states out of 50 states, the most money, the most detailed policy plans, and has won in every category of Americans. Si se puede.